Overview and Eligibility:
The goal of the Florida SEE Certification Program is to certify responsible Ecotour Providers who contribute to the environmental, social and economic sustainability of Florida. Certified Florida SEE Associate Members will be recognized as preferred service providers who are committed to using best practices for ecological sustainab ility, natural area management, and quality ecotourism experiences. The Florida SEE Certification program is in the process of amending its criteria to conform for recognition standards of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).
The Certification Program utilizes a certification checklist tool that will be completed by the applicant and Florida SEE. The certification checklist is designed to represent applicable laws, as well as industry best practices, and to be an objective measurement tool. Associate level members are eligible for certification. Tours and attractions can be certified by Florida SEE. In order to be eligible for certification at least 50% of the Ecotour Provider's products must be nature based and have an interpretive aspect. Additional products that are not nature based, such as private events or charters must follow Florida SEE sustainability criteria. Applicants must carry general liability insurance. Benefits of Certification:
According to The International Ecotourism Society, certification sets standards and helps distinguish genuine ecotourism and sustainable tourism businesses from others that make empty claims. This helps to protect the integrity of these concepts. Certification is not an end in itself. It is one of a number of tools for motivating businesses and others to improve their environmental, social, and economic performance, while rewarding them for doing so.
"Why is Certification Important" flyer: click here How to apply for Certification: - The Ecotour Provider must be a current Florida SEE Associate Member in good standing.
- Applicant must use the Florida SEE certification checklist to complete a thorough self-assessment and submit with their application. Associate Members may reveiw a copy of the Certification Checklist by logging onto the Florida SEE website and clicking on the Certification Documents in the files archive.
- Applicant must complete and sign their application form.
 - Applicant must submit proof of general liability insurance.
- Applicant must sign and submit a release form which includes an agreement to carry general liability and to include Florida SEE as additional insured when applicant is certified.
- Applicant may submit video, brochures, literature, written references and/or awards and other certifications to support application.
- The non-refundable application fee of $100 must be submitted with the application.
- Application form and fee should be submitted to:
Florida SEE Attn: Certification PO BOX 153052 Cape Coral, FL 33915 "How to become certified by Florida SEE" flyer: click here