Wayne Adventures


About Wayne Adventures:

WayneAdventures provides educational programs, guided kayak ecotours and kayak instruction in the Bradenton and Sarasota areas. 'Our staff cares deeply about nature, and our goal is to spark a passion for it on our tours. We aim to motivate learning and stewardship for the future protection of natural Florida ecosystems'. 

Owner Wayne Douchokoff is an ACA/BCU certified paddling instructor and guide as well as a Florida Master Naturalist. HIs passon resonates with his staff and they provide top notch eco-experiences to guests on their trips in freshwater systems and back bay estuaries. You can expect to choose from paddling trips of 1-4 hours on a variety of waterways including the Myakka, HIllsborough or Braden RIvers. Sightings include alligators, wading birds and manatee. 

Wayne Adventures was certified in May of 2018