Florida SEE's New Board for 2015-2016

Erin White

NEWLY-ELECTED to the Florida SEE Board of Directors 2015-2016

On Sunday, June 28th 2015, the Florida SEE membership elected four new Board Directors at the Annual Meeting in Gainesville, FL.

BRACK BARKER (North Central Region)  is the owner/operator of the newly PLATINUM Certified Wild Florida Adventures.

 Brack has been the owner/operator of Wild Florida Adventure since December of 2002 leading kayak and nature tours in over 10 North Florida counties.  He also instructs community education classes at Santa Fe College in Gainesville.  He was born and raised in Melbourne, Florida and is a U.S. Navy Veteran.

Brack's  educational background includes an AS degree in Zookeeping from Santa Fe College, and BA in Anthropology from the University of Florida, both in Gainesville. Other course work includes the three basic modules in the Florida Master Naturalist Program via UF/IFAS, is currently certified L2 coastal kayak instructor via the American Canoe Association, and numerous Leave No Trace training courses. He has also received training as an outings leader with the National Sierra Club and the Florida Trail Association.

In addition to kayak and nature tours, Brack volunteers as a Docent Naturalist at the Florida Museum of Natural History on the UF campus, since 2002. He conducts nature and museum programs for school groups and interpretive programs and tours of the traveling and permanent exhibits.

Brack says, "I am honored to serve on the FLSEE Board of Directors and look forward to working with the other Directors to promote the goals of authentic ethical ecotourism throughout Florida and beyond.". 

LIZ SPARKS (North Central Region) Liz Sparks has been active in the realm of Florida outdoor recreation, rural tourism development, and connecting people with the outdoors since 2001. 

As a Recreation Planner with Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission she developed 6 National Recreation Trails on FWC waterways.  Liz also organized workshops and led initiatives to promote paddling in rural communities to benefit local economies through sustainable tourism.  

A Volunteer Paddlesports Program she helped to develop provides training for volunteers who share basic kayaking skills with families and lead nature tours on the water.  The program’s ultimate goal is to  create future generations of safe paddlers and stewards of Florida’s outstanding waterways .

Liz became Florida’s Paddling Trail Coordinator in DEP’s Office of Greenways & Trails almost two years ago and continues to develop and promote our state’s fantastic waterways.

DR. TAYLOR V. STEIN (North Central Region) is an Associate Professor, joined the University of Florida. Dr Stein joined the School of Forest Resources and Conservation in 1998 with teaching and research responsibilities in ecotourism.

His research efforts focus on the economic and non-economic benefits of natural or near-natural landscapes with an emphasis in the social sciences. Before joining the School, he served as a Research Fellow at the University of Minnesota’s College of Natural Resources.

In addition to teaching a research responsibilities, Dr. Stein is the lead SFRC faculty involved in the USDA Forest Service/Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University cooperative degree program.

PAULA BILTMORE (Southwest Region) had stepped in to fill a mid-term vacancy on Florida SEE's Board, and is now duly elected. Paula is the President and CEO of the Environmental Coalition of Florida, a Sarasota-based non-profit organization that is creating an environmental conservation paradigm shift through mass promotion of eco-exploration of Florida's protected natural treasures.

RE-ELECTED to the Florida SEE Board of Directors

The following Board members had completed their most recent 2-year terms, and were re-elected:
  • Pete Corradino (Southwest Region)
  • JoNell Modys (Southwest Region)
  • Wendy Richards (North Central Region)

ENTERING 2nd YEAR of 2-year term on Florida SEE Board of Directors:

The following Board members are entering year two of their 2-year terms:
  • Andrew Batten (Central East Region)
  • Nancy MacPhee (Southwest Region)
  • Dr. David Randle (Central West Region)
  • Erin White (Southwest Region)
  • Charles Wright (Southwest Region)


Immediately following the Annual Membership Meeting and elections, the Board convened to select officers for the 2015-2016 year. Paula was selected to fill the vacant Vice Chair slot, and all other officers remained in their 2014-2015 positions.
  • Board Chair: Erin White
  • Vice Chair: Paula Biltmore
  • Secretary: Nancy MacPhee
  • Treasurer: Pete Corradino

To access more detailed bios for all of our Board members, please visit this link.

Florida SEE will be looking for Board and Committee representation in the following regions for 2016:

  • North West
  • North East
  • Central
  • Southeast
Interested parties should email INFO@FloridaSEE.org
The Florida SEE Grapevine - August 2015

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