May, 2024
published by: The Florida Society for Ethical Ecotourism




JUNE 12 @ 7:00pm
Seagrass Ecology and the Eyes on Seagrass Program

 presented by Kate Rose Florida Sea Grant Agent

 Florida is home to two of the largest contiguous seagrass meadows in the United States, Florida Bay, and the Nature Coast. However, the state is not immune to global trends of seagrass loss. High nutrient and sediment inputs from land run off, heat stress, and algal blooms are driving declines in seagrass coverage statewide, including collapse of some seagrass meadows on the East coast. Regular monitoring is necessary to provide up-to-date assessments, but high costs of long-term monitoring regularly prevent seagrass conservation and restoration projects from reaching their full potential. Eyes on Seagrass is a citizen science seagrass monitoring program that has been proven to increase sampling capacity and engage Florida communities in seagrass conservation. Learn how you might be able to incorporate some of the program’s principles to turn ecotourists into environmental stewards!



Florida SEE Annual Meeting- JUNE 1


Florida SEE is hosting their annual meeting at the beautiful Six Mile Cypress Slough Interpretive Facility in Fort Myers. Please consider joining us!
8:00am    Optional Free guided boardwalk tour through the cypress forest
9:00am    Welcome and Florida SEE update
9:30am    Panel Discussion:
    Exploring the Dual Impact of COVID-19 and Hurricane lan on Ecotourism
Join us for a dynamic panel discussion exploring the dual impacts of COVID-19 and Hurricane lan on ecotourism. Our esteemed panelists will examine the profound effects of these crises on destinations, economics, and conservation efforts within the ecotourism industry. From immediate disruptions to long-term sustainability challenges, we'll delve into how businesses, communities, and ecosystems are adapting and innovating in response to these unprecedented challenges. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and perspectives on the future of ecotourism in a post-pandemic, post-disaster landscape
Lead by Example: Integrating Waste Reduction and Resource Recovery Initiatives into Ecotourism - Presented by Tracie Troxler of Sunshine Community Compost
Ecotourism operators are inspiring visitors and residents of Florida to value and help sustain
Florida's natural ecosystems and resources. They have the unique opportunity to lead by
example in sustainability and amplify the message to conserve resources and reduce waste.
Ecotourism operators already do this through their program offerings but can advance further by demonstrating daily practices with clients that model waste reduction and resource recovery in ecotourism operations. This presentation will share ideas and resources about how to get started or improve your operation's waste reduction efforts through composting, recycling, and zero-waste initiatives. 
11:30am: Florida SEE board of directors meeting
Noon: Adjourn

OPTIONAL EXCURSIONS offered by Florida SEE members: (details provided upon receipt of registration) Mound House kayak tour, CREW Trust Moon walk, Captiva Cruises Dolphin & Wildlife Cruise, Banana Bay Tours Sunset & Dolphin Tour

For virtual access, inquire with

Click to view full agenda
The Florida SEE Grapevine - May, 2024