Certified Providers
Certified Ecotour Providers Certified Florida SEE Associate Members are recognized as preferred service providers who are committed to using best practices for ecological sustainability, natural area management, and quality ecotourism experiences.
Levels of Certification:
Florida SEE Certified Ecotour Providers can achieve four possible levels of certification based upon their completed certification checklist and assessment:
Bronze Designation: Ecotour Provider meets all applicable CORE criteria on the Certification Checklist
Silver Designation: Ecotour Provider meets all applicable CORE criteria and 50% - 74% of BONUS criteria on the Certification Checklist
Gold Designation: Ecotour Provider meets all applicable CORE criteria and 75% - 89% of BONUS criteria on the Certification Checklist
Platinum Designation: Ecotour Provider meets all applicable CORE criteria and 90% - 100% of BONUS criteria on the Certification Checklist
"Why is Certification Important" flyer: click here "How to become certified by Florida SEE" flyer: click here